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Big Horn Jacket Black (019)

5.11 Big Horn Jacket

From € 119,95
Named after the Big Horn River where the famous 5.11 Challenge® shooting competition was held, our popular Big Horn Jacket is a multipurpose mid-weight jacket ideally suited for both on and off duty wear.

5.11 Big Horn Jacket

Purpose Built

Named after the Big Horn River where the famous 5.11 Challenge® shooting competition was held, our popular Big Horn Jacket is a multipurpose mid-weight jacket ideally suited for both on and off duty wear. Featuring a water resistant microfiber shell with fleece lining for superior comfort and protection against wind and weather, the Big Horn Jacket offers anti-pilling characteristics that ensure a professional appearance in any setting. Side zippers at each side provide unrestricted access to your bottom layer and provide additional ventilation when the weather turns warm. Hidden chest pockets can store documents, accessories, a flashlight, or a backup sidearm, while hook and loop cuffs and an elasticized waistband ensure a secure fit that keeps out the cold.


  • Ideal for on and off duty wear
  • Water and Wind Resistant
  • Anti-pilling for a professional appearance
  • 5.11® hidden chest pockets
  • Side zippers for quick sidearm access
  • Zipping handwarmer pockets


  • All-weather microfiber shell
  • Warm fleece lining
  • Elasticized waist
  • Hook and loop cuffs
  • YKK® zippers
  • Prym® snaps


  • Yolanda Pedersen
  • BE 0877.462.790
  • 2/21/06/0018
  • Wespelaarsebaan 120
  •  3190 Boortmeerbeek
  • CallIcon +32 (0) 15/51.18.57
  • CallIcon (fax) +32 (0) 15/52.02.78
  • CallIcon (gsm) +32 (0) 475/94 12 10
  • MessageIcon


    • Enkel op afspraak
    • Woensdag tot en met vrijdag van 13.00 uur tot en met 18.00 uur
    • Zaterdag vanaf 10.00 uur tot en met 15.00 uur
    • afspraak via 0475/941210